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We asked members and friends to submit recipes so we could create a SCOT (Scottish Cultural Organization of the Triangle) cookbook. It is now complete and published. The cookbook chronicles SCOT events and gatherings through the year and includes recipes for food traditionally served at these events. We have also republished the history and recipes from Carolyn McDonald Graf’s articles in the Great SCOT! Newsletter.

We want you to buy these gorgeous cookbooks and share them with your friends and family so we are discounting the cookbooks for two weeks only. Starting now through Saturday, August 7, 2021, you can get the cookbooks at a discount of $30 each. After that, they will be $35 a copy until we sell out.
If you live locally and wish to save any shipping costs contact Christine Law ( | 919-852-1320 and leave a message) or contact Donald Ross ( | 919-934-1915) and we will make arrangements to get them to you, should you need to have them shipped there will be a standard cost of $8.55 which can be paid separately.