SCOT is occasionally able to offer information tables or Scottish cultural presentations for area schools and special events. Interested organizations can contact SCOT for information.
With its bright red tent and castle battlements, the SCOT Booth is a welcome sight at Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. For SCOT members, it is a home base where you can leave your cooler and packages as you wander MacRae’s Meadow, taking in the colors and sounds of the games. For non-members, it is an information booth to look up your tartan or learn about Scottish Culture. It is also a place to attract new members who may not know about our organization.

We are always looking for friendly people who would like to spend an hour or two in the shade and help “man” the booth. This involves greeting people who stop by and chatting with them (or listening to them chat) about Scottish “stuff” and enthusiastically explaining SCOT. For information about the booth or to volunteer, contact Carolyn Graf cmcdgraf[at]aol.com. We occasionally set up the booth at other games so look for the bright red and yellow SCOT banner.