This year there were several of our top competitors unable to attend this years event, but nevertheless we had 12 great competitors vying for that coveted position of 1st place!! Needless to say, with such fierce competition comes that sometimes not so friendly rivalry, with several loose cannons flying around, or perhaps that was the golf balls!!
With such good rivalry we also have more than our fair share of Duffers helping to provide more than their fair share of entertainment with amazingly high scores and balls lost. They keep turning up every year ever hopeful on improving their game!!
Once more we were blessed with wonderful weather. Temperature wise, this might have been the best day ever, along with low humidity, there were smiles all around at the end of the day.
Now for the news you have all been waiting for “THE RESULTS”. This year’s 1st place winners were Philip and Duncan Ross with a score of 75. We will not mention the highest score Duffers!!

The nearest the Pin holes were won by Johnny Gresty and John Sprague, the longest drive prize went to Justin, most lost balls went to Warren Hinson and the most balls in the water went to John Sprague. I was forced to relinquish the title of most beers consumed to Young Scott Bartow, this could not be a sign of old age!!! … and best Scottish Attire was also won by Scott… well done lad.
There were smiles and laughter all round and everyone looking forward to next year. We have several eager guests looking forward to joining us.
Keep On Swinging
Don The Duffer Ross