June 2010

Poetry Review: The Vagabond Recipe: Collops-in-the-Pan

March 2010

Brief History of Shortbread Poetry Review (multiple) Recipe: Shortbread

January 2010

Chieftain’s Conference at the Gathering Poetry Review: Banks o’ Doon Recipe: Jacobite Cake Scottish Bookshelf: The Outlander Series

October 2009

Poetry Review: O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast Recipe: Coconut Macaroons Scottish Bookshelf: Findlay J MacDonald Omnibus

June 2009

Parliament Visitors Poetry Review: At Roslin Inn Recipe: Dundee Marmalade

January 2009

Homecoming Scotland Recipe: Mashlam Scones Spey Descent

October 2007

Scots in NC Volunteer of the Year: Doug Graf Recipe: Inverness Mushrooms Golf & BBQ

October 2008

Recipe: Fly Cemetery (Fruit Slice) The Garden Shed Pt 3

June 2008

Recipe: Caledonia Meatballs Scottish Bookshelf: Spinning and Weaving The Garden Shed Pt 2